The Let's Play Archive

Super Robot Wars MX

by Brunom1

Part 75: Mission 42 - God, Weep For the Hundred Demons

Location: Hundred Demons’ Island Fortress

Gura passes along info of Hidler’s glorious demise in battle and Brai’s saddened that he went right as their conquest of the world is starting. Gura tells the emperor to stay strong as, thanks to the Marshal’s efforts, they’ve gained all the time they needed to get things ready to go.
Good, as the gravity controller Gura developed will be the key to their victory. Their fortress is ready to take flight at any moment, so Brai tells him to get in touch with Zuril and coordinate with him: the Hundred Demon Empire will now muster its full might and set it upon the humans.

Over with our team, Amuro relates that every major city in Japan is under attack by the demons. Benkei wants to get out there and start fighting right NOW but Hayato tells him to stop and think. Amuro agrees: these attacks are spread too thin for a group seeking to conquer a nation. If he had to guess, he’d say these are all smokescreen to cover their real objective.
Kaine want to take this chance to get rid of some of the small fry but Hayato tells them all not to underestimate the bad guys. Ginga asks if he’s scared of the guys and while he says he isn’t, he points that he knows how scary these final showdowns can be. Both the Dinosaur and Mycenae Empires threw EVERYTHING they had at them, anteing up their own future.

Ginga says the baddies’ future is not our problem and Hayato isn’t arguing that point: we certainly cannot lie down and let them have their way. That said, the baddies know that they won’t get another chance, so they wouldn’t have started this if they weren’t quite sure of victory. That’s why Hayato says we shouldn’t underestimate them.
Kaine sniffs that Hayato is selling our folks short but, then, he fires back: is Kaine prepared to do what Kunugi did? Is he ready to sacrifice himself if that’s what’s necessary to defeat the enemy? Kaine can’t answer that with certainty and Hayato tells him to get it inside his head that the enemy is likely to have that sort of commitment. And if he wants to accuse him of being scared, Hayato tells him to go right ahead.

His attitude ruffles Kaine’s feathers a bit but Light tells him to back down as Hayato has a point. Still, Benkei can tell that the guy’s only acting like that because the situation’s got him on edge. Hayato figures it beats being too blasé… like certain people.
Now it’s Benkei’s turn to frown and Ryouma jumps in as this is hardly the time for an argument. Kirakuni wonders what’s gotten everyone like that and Amuro figures they’re still reeling after watching Kunugi’s death.
Our final showdown with the Hundred Demons is on the horizon and the Federation’s Dragoons are dealing with current attacks, not suffering too many casualties due to how scattered those are. Our job, says Hugo, will be to see what the Demons’ actual goal is and stop them.

Benkei and Kaine don’t like the idea of just waiting around for them to act for real. Attacking their HQ and shutting them down would be best but Ryouma says we can’t get a bead on it. Their island fortress is constantly changing locations, despite the military’s searches.
But, surprise, Michiru runs in right then and says the island has been spotted! They’re sending a video of it to the Argama, so she asks the Getter Team to get up to the bridge.

Intel sent by the Far East Command says that at 1300 hours, Japan time, the demons’ base appeared ABOVE Tokyo Bay. Yes, that huge thing is flying and, from its course, Misato and Michiru can already tell where it’s headed: the Saotome Lab.
Seems like their attacks across Japan were, indeed, smokescreen to divert everyone’s attention while they flew over there. Misato figures they want to use the lab and its tech as the starting point of their conquest. Haruka can see why, what with its central location in Japan and the Getter Ray Amplifier providing an endless supply of energy – it’ll make an excellent front-line base.
Hayato calls Ryouma and Benkei to rush over there and stop their advance. Misato says it’s impossible for the Getter alone to face the bulk of the Hundred Demons but the Liger’s the only unit we have that’s quick enough to intercept them in time.

Bright asks if they’re sure and Ryouma is: they have to pull this off, not only to stop the demons’ plans but also to safeguard the lab. The place is their home. Michiru’s worried but Hayato tells her not to be – they’ll keep the place safe. What about the Getter Team, though?
In that case, Hayato leaves the crucifix he always wears with Michiru, saying that its chain has broken and asking her to fix it. He promises her that he'll return in one piece.

Mission 42 – God, Weep for the Hundred Demons

The Dragoons aren’t doing well, torn between shock over the massive flying structure and the knowledge that Japan’ll be in deep trouble if they’re defeated. Brai sniffs at the humans’ folly in believing they could stop them with such a paltry force. Upon his word, the generics get blasted.
Brai’s not too impressed with the new weapons of the Federation and Gura argues that all of the Hundred Demons’ know-how was poured into their island fortress. It is truly unbeatable now that it’s capable of flight.
Brai is happy and eager to honor Hidler with a grand victory – it was thanks to his efforts that they made it this far. No help seems forthcoming from the Vegans, mind, so Brai tells Gura to forget them. He never trusted those aliens and if they think to turn against the demons, they’ll die along with the humans.
As Brai’s about to have his forces wreck the Saotome Lab…

: Hold it right there, demons!

: Ooh, the Getter Team!
: Hoho… I’m surprised you came by yourselves.
: They’re likely here ahead of the main Magnate Ten force, I think.
: All to forestall our advance, hm…? How quaint. Though all they’ll earn from this is a speedier death.
: Demon Robos, launch! Tear the Getter to pieces!

: Crap… we gotta deal with that huge fortress and those things?!
: You guys ready, Hayato, Benkei? We have to hold this line until everyone gets here!
: Roger that!
: (Michiru… I promise I’ll keep both the lab and the professor safe, even if it kills me…!)

Losing the Getter’s a game over, of course, but the bot isn’t exactly well equipped to charge right in without preparation (unless you’ve given them a ton of upgrades). You needn’t worry about SP now, so I had Ryouma and Benkei cast Spirit once to enable Open Get plus Focus with Hayato.

Keeping them inside the forest’s terrain bonus is also very recommended.

Even if you can’t kill them, taking a chunk of their HP is always good.

If you’re not confident your Getter can survive, though, just hang back for a couple of turns.

Enemy Phase!

The Liger gets mobbed. A few hits, a couple of Open Gets and we manage to hang on.

This goes on for another full round (we manage to kill a single Horned Demon), so let’s skip ahead.

Player Phase!

: You’re as strong as I expected, Getter Robo. But could you withstand this as well?

: Damn, there’s a ton of them!
: They really want to wrap everything up today…!
: Pull back, Getter Team! You stand no chance against this many foes!
: B-But if we do that, the lab’ll be toast!
: Ryou, our only option now is to go straight for the jugular!
: Yeah, we’ll hit them where it hurts… right at the heart of their fortress!

*Getter Dragon!*

: Here we come, Hundred Demons!

*Ryouma blasts through the enemies, towards the fortress.*

: Match my timing on those pedals, Hayato, Benkei!
: OK!

: Hmph, you expect us to simply let you unleash your Shine Spark?
: Focus all turrets on them! Do not let the Getter to close in on our island fortress!

: Urk! Whoa—!!
: Hayato!!


: Hey, Hayato! Talk to us! Hayato!!
: Check on him with your monitors, Benkei!


: R-Ryou! He’s not in his cockpit!
: What?!
: What happened, Ryou?! What’s your status?!
: Th-The Liger’s cockpit was…!
: ?!
: Hayato was… blown outside…!!
: W-What?!
: Hmhmhm… And now the Getter’s—
: Emperor, we’ve detected other units approaching!
: !

: Ryou! You guys OK?!
: G-Guys…!
: All troops deploy immediately!

: Hmhmhm… Your arrival is a tad too late, Magnate Ten.
: Emperor Brai…! The head of the Hundred Demons has finally shown his face!
: What’s the situation, Ryouma? Is the Getter in one piece?!
: Hayato… Hayato’s…!
: Did something happen to him?!
: Hayato’s…gone…!
: !
: What… How can he—?!
: No…! You’re lying! I don’t believe you!
: Yet, it is the truth. The Getter’s fallen before my power… If you doubt my claims, call out to Hayato Jin. Though I wager you’ll get no answer.
: You…!
: Kch…Hayato…!!
: Get a hold of yourself, Ryou! The battle’s still going!
: I… We lost not only Musashi but Hayato too…!
: You… You’ll pay for this, Hundred Demons!
: Hah, and what do you think you can do with your Getter in such a state? But worry not: you’ll be following him before long.
: Hrm…! We’ll destroy you with our own two hands – for Hayato!!
: Stop, you two! Return to the lab at once!
: I won’t!
: We’ll take this guy down, whatever it takes!!
: You fools! Do you think Hayato would be happy with that?!
: …!!
: The professor’s right, Ryou. We’ll take care of this!
: We’ll make ‘em pay for what they did to Hayato! So, please…!
: Please, Ryou… pull back…!
: …Fine…! Getter Robo, pulling back…!

*Off they go.*

: Hahahah. Running off with your tail between your legs, Getter Robo?
: Shut up! Don’t forget that we’re still around!
: And we’ll repay the anger and sorrow we feel for our lost friend twice over!
: Your friendship is touching, but I’m afraid you’ll soon be joining your friend in Hell. Professor Gura, bring it out.
: Yes, Your Majesty!

: Th-The Dragonsaurus?!
: But we’d destroyed it before…!!
: Maybe it’s one of THOSE cases: grab a few cells, whip up some biotech… and boom.
: Ah, the old clone thing.
: That sounds like sweaty work… think they need some Eau de Clone?
: Not the time, dumbass!
: We’ll just have to get rid of both these demons and their pet octopus altogether…!
: Yeah, we’ll do it for Hayato! Time to sink that flying Onigashima!
: Open fire! We’ll put a definitive end to the Hundred Demon Empire today!

Now this may surprise you but I am not inclined to deal with this huge mob of mooks fairly.

That lower mook was already weakened from before, so it’s easy morale for Masato.

Everyone else starts blasting whatever they can before Masato nukes all.

Get in there, Asuka.

That’s one down.

And the second guy that Quattro weakened.

Aqua wraps up what Duke starts and the remaining folks either approach or weaken a couple other stuff.

Enemy Phase!

: They’re proving themselves appropriately tenacious despite our overwhelming forces… Prof. Gura, I believe a demonstration of my island fortress’ firepower is in order.
: Certainly. All turrets, prepare to fire. Target their battleships!

This hits both of them for 60% of their current HP!

: Direct hit on the starboard side! We’re losing altitude!
: Get us steady again!
: Was that…?!
: A bombardment from the enemy fortress!
: They’re gunning straight for us?! Torres, hit them back with the Mega Particle Cannon!
: Roger!

: Heheheh. How pointless.
: It didn’t work, Captain! We’re detecting no damage on the fortress!
: What?!
: Is it like the Mecha Fortress Demon from before…?!
: It’s covered in a similar field as the Pikudron!
: So what?! Let them bring out their barriers and fields, we—
: “Just gotta break them down,” is that what you’re going to say? Do you see the size of that thing?!
: ! Y-You’re right…
: Even breaking through part of its shield won’t amount to much when our target's that humongous…!
: If we attack from a distance, we’ll be sniped down, and closing the distance still won’t help us deal effective damage… In that case, we might have no choice but to destroy it from the inside.
: From the i-inside…?! Who the hell could pull something like that off?!
: …Let’s do this, Rom Stoll!
: Aye, I agree!
: Huuh?!

*Off they go. If you’d deployed them, both units would bail out which is why I didn’t.*

: Where’re you going, bro?!
: Are they actually…?!
: …Harry, run a scan of the island fortress’ interior, please.
: Ah?!
: Quickly. There isn’t much time.
: Hmhmhm… It seems the Getter’s pilots aren’t the only cowards fleeing in fear from us.
: Don’t be ridiculous! My brother would never do such a thing!
: Still, you’d best face reality. For all your might, you are incapable of bringing down this fortress.
: Hah, is that a fact? You’d best not expect your logic to apply to those two.
: Indeed. With the School of the Undefeated of the East’s King of Hearts and a master of the Tenkuu Chuushin Ken joining forces…
: There’s no doubt in our heads that they’ll cut a path for us!
: What did you say…?

Back at the lab…

: Professor, are the Getter’s repairs not done yet?!
: Be patient…! Hold on for a bit longer!
: If it’s already moving, that’s good enough! Please let us get back out there!
: But the Liger’s running on auto-pilot, so we won’t have the Shine Spark!
: Doesn’t matter – we still need to go! If we don’t take Brai out right now, Japan will…!
: Hold, Ryou. I’ll be piloting the Liger when the Getter deploys.
: P-Professor?!
: When we lost Musashi, I took a vow never to let a tragedy like that happen again… Yet, it happened again. You’re all like sons to me and now I’ve lost Hayato as well…!
: Professor…!
: I share in your desire to take revenge… and that is why I will not send you out into certain death. So, please, wait a bit longer.
: I-I understand…!
: It’s never certain that righteous men will be victorious… but they still must be.
: I’m certain you’ll have a chance to turn this around. Until then, we can only endure.

The mook AI plays ball and then some.

Nearly ALL mooks make a beeline for Masato, shooting his morale very, very high up.

The only exceptions were a couple of Grangens and the Mecha Fortress Demons, which were too far away from everyone.

Hmhmhm…hahahahahah…! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Insert about four minutes of stuff getting hit and blowing up because MX doesn’t let you speed that up. I didn’t WANT to give Masato a billion kills (didn’t use valor or anything) but he did it anyway, busting crit upon crit… only five mooks survive.

Time for clean up!

This one wasn’t nuked, mind.

In nuketown, Tetsuya, Tap and Roux starting uprooting folks.

Last two survivors.

There they go.

Amuro learns Soul! Quattro had already done that, FYI.
Once you’ve gotten the enemies down to five…

: I must commend you all for your brave offensive, Magnate Ten… However, I’ve other foes that I must contend with as well. I believe it’s time I brought the curtains down on this battle.
: ! He’s attacking again!
: Gura! Crush their battleships with our island fortress!
: Yes, Your Majesty!
: C-Captain! Their fortress is flying this way!
: Considering the glaring difference in mass… not even the Distortion Field could defend against that.
: P-Please, Captain! This is a very serious problem!
: Oh, don’t worry. I believe the core has already been located.
: Huh? Who did what now?!
: Target the enemy motherships! RAMMING SPEED!!

: W-What?! What is happening?!
: I-It’s the gravity controller! It’s been destroyed!
: Impossible! Who in blazes could do that?!
: Hmhmhm…Hahahahaha!
: ?!

: Oh, demons who would delude God-fearing people and turn the truth to nothingness…
: Even should God not manifest Himself, stout-hearted men and women will certainly visit judgement upon evil in His stead.
: That is what people call… holy punishment!
: What business have you with Brai, Emperor of the Hundred Demon Empire?! Who goes there?!

“You do not deserve to know my name!!”

: My Emperor, it was them! They did this to the fortress!
: “They”?!
: That’s right…!
: We were the ones who wrecked your precious gravity controller.
: Y-You’re…Hayato Jin! You still live?!
: That I do, boss demon.
: Ha-Hayato…!
: He… he’s not a ghost, right?!
: It’s me, in the flesh. Still got my legs and all.
: But… what are you doing there?
: When that huge hole got torn into the Liger, I figured my only chance to survive was to roll the die and jump straight onto the island fortress.
: Th-That’s insane…!
: I really don’t think you’re one to talk, Vega…
: We were reunited within the fortress and used the data sent by Cpt. Ruri to locate and destroy their gravity controller.
: Wow, what a manga-esque development.
: Come on. There’s absurd and then there’s that!
l: Hey, all’s well that ends well, right?
: Rrrgh! Clan of the Hundred Demons, kill them all!
: Not happening!


*Ryouma blasts off towards the fortress.*

: Jump over, Hayato!
: Aye, aye!
: Rom, we’re leaving as well!
: Indeed. Now the battle truly begins!

: Disrespectful whelps!!
: Emperor, a group of objects is descending upon us!
: Hrm?!

: The Vegan army!
: Now you decide to show up, Zuril?!
: Now that is not very nice… I’m bringing you some backup.
: What…?!

: Space monsters?!
: Th-Three big ones…!!
: Wow, this is a legit Great Clash in the Sky.
: And there you have it, Emperor Brai… I wish you good luck.
: You’re going to flee?!
: We have our own things to take care of, you know how it goes… We shall meet again, in the event your Empire is victorious.
: Halt, Zuril!

*He does not.*

: Blast you, Zuril…! Abandoning us, are you?!
: I pity you, Emperor Brai. Having lost your castle and your associate, you stand as no more than a naked emperor.
: Accept that you’ve lost! Even with those new space monsters, you have no chance of coming out on top!
: E-Emperor…
: Rrrgh, do not falter! We’re left with no choice… bring out the Combined Demon Robo! I’m taking to the field in person!

: The hell is that?!
: It is my secret weapon… Our mightiest unit! The Combined Demon Robo! Though my fortress is immobile, I’ll still eviscerate you with this!
: Heh… Good for us that you’ve decided to step out here.
: Come on, Emperor Brai! You and the ambitions of the Hundred Demon Empire are going down!!

Combined Demon Robo (Emperor Brai)
Pilot Skills:
Brai’s Voice Actor: Johji Yanami (other known works: Dr. Gilmore in Cyborg 009, the narrator in DBZ, Umon, King Vega and Yumi in Grendizer/Mazinger and many more)

Final form of the classic Super Robot burly boss. Resilient, accurate and packing a hefty punch, your better option is to close the distance as he can only use his strongest attack at range 4-9. No tricks, really, he’s just a wall.

Zuril left a couple of Pikudrons and a Gilgilgan up top but, really, they’re too far away for me to bother going after.

We’ll get rid of the Dragonsaurus since it’s close and then set upon Brai.

While that happens, I’m leaving a couple folks behind to grab the cash from the remaining mooks.

There goes that.

Despite still having a good Prevail, it doesn’t take much to wear down the Dragonsaurus.

You’ll earn your Super Robot wings today, Shinji!


And, of course, Shinji’s last spirit command is Soul.

Enemy Phase!

This is when I realized that Bright lost a huge chunk of HP from that cutscene. It’s a good thing I’d cast Iron Wall or the three Mecha Fortress Demons that mob him might’ve sunk the Argama.

Player Phase!

One ship goes to Quattro, one goes to Roux…

And there’s the last one. Let’s wrap this up!

: You miserable man, Emperor Brai! At the end of the day, there is no such thing as mutual trust among evil men!
: Silence! Once I’m done with you, those traitorous Vegans are next!

: Joining the final battle in person, eh? You’ve got guts!
: Silence, boy! None of you will leave here alive now that I’ve taken to the field!

: I applaud your spirit in facing us in person…! However! Evil shall never prevail!
: This isn’t about right or wrong! The strong shall emerge victorious and conquer all! And I’ll see that that’s no one but me!

: It was thanks to your meddling that my island fortress is out of commission! You’ll pay for it with your life!
: A small leak can sink an enormous ship! Your fate was sealed the second you grew overconfident in your fortress’ power!

: You better be ready, Emperor Brai! Crushing defeat is all you’ll find now that you’ve stepped outside your castle!
: Nonsense! We’ll start our conquest anew as soon as I’ve buried the lot of you!

: You stubborn cockroach! I’ll personally see to your death!
: I made a promise to a very dear person that I’d come back in one piece…! I’m not about to surrender my life to your kind!

: Come on, Emperor Brai! Doesn’t matter what we’re up against, my Poseidon always comes out on top when it comes to raw power!
: I don’t think so! I am the Emperor of the Hundred Demon Empire! In other words, I am the ruler of the world!
: What, you think that arrogant reasoning of yours’ll fly with me?! Those proud horns of yours’ll make for some nice toothpicks once I’m done!

: You want the Getter Ray’s power, Emperor Brai? We’ll give you your fill!
: The gall! However strong that energy is, my Combined Demon Robo reigns supreme!
: Then bring what you’ve got and we’ll see how that goes! This ends now, Emperor Brai!

: M-My Emperor! The unit cannot withstand this!
: I-Impossible! How could I, the ruler of the world, fall to mere humans…?!
: This… this cannot be! It absolutely cannot! This…GWAAAAAAAARGH!!

Goodies earned were a Super Alloy nu-Z and a Super Repair Kit.

Over by the Saotome Lab, Hayato apologizes to Michiru for worrying her so. Still, he did fulfill his promise and that’s enough for her.
Hayato thanks her and, better yet, she fixed the chain in his crucifix. He tells her to keep it, which she’ll gladly do.

With that mess done, the GEAR folks request to head back to HQ in order to look into the matter of the 7th Data Weapon. From what Altair spoke of to Vega, it seems that’s what the Gulfer are truly after. Thus, Eris wants to go and run a few scans on the Gear Commanders with Meteor’s support and see if we can’t find any clues.
Bright allows it, while we’ll be patrolling Japan to hunt remnants of the demons’ forces. Ginga’s looking forward to heading back, hoping they’ll have time to pass by their homes; Hokuto argues that they’re not going to HQ to take a break but Ginga raises the point that Hokuto’s always got his mom around and can eat her food whenever he wants.
Hokuto stammers that he’s not clingy like that… so he says but Ginga knows the kid’s often sleeping in mommy’s arms. Vega pokes the two to leave that for when they’re back at HQ. Kirakuni’ll be flying them over and Bright asks them to send his regards to Shibuya.

At the Gyandolar’s Demon Castle, Ashura is appalled that someone managed to transpose the dimensional barrier that protects the place. Grujios asks who it is, only to be met with a chuckle. He better not be about to say “You don’t deserve to know my name”, Devil Saturn shouts! The man is here to see Gades, who commends him for making it inside his castle. Has he come here try and kill him?
No, the man politely identifies himself as Zero and says he’s been sent by the Gulfer Emperor to work together with the Gyandolar. Gades has heard of the Gulfer’s top commander and is decently impressed that he’s been sent to Earth in person. That said, Zero has been given a mission of the greatest importance and, thus, hasn’t come alone.
Who has he brought along? We don't get to find out yet.